How can i stop hair loss, improve shine and strengthen my hair?
My hair is very week. Every time I take a shower a lot of the quantities found in my shower mani.Dopo find it very dificult to brush why? my hair caught in my hair is very vicenda.I sottili.Si Please advice me something to control the problem.
there is a natural vitamin supplement called Biotin. It helps you out a lot! Here is a link with info on it :
Don’t use nair. @ all. and week is spelled weak in your use of the word… geez!
concentrate on diet.let it be healthy.don’t use harsh shampoo.
apply coconut oil.add on iron rich food in diet
go and seek specialist..they know best..
you need soem biotin, oil of oregano, and put some of the oregano in with soem shampoo!—-goto know the and read the (fungal link to hair loss!)
check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:– Hairloss/Hairfall
Natural Homemade Beauty tips to Hair Care
Massage aloe Vera gel over the scalp,leave it for about one hour.After this rinse the hair with warm water.It gives excellent results for hair loss if one uses this massage at least 3-4 times a week. Check out for more info.
use a conditioner and a serum- john frieda works for me- they will not get tangled up and make you lose more that way.
I also use a natural product that is making my hair longer and stronger, dont know about the hairloss bit.
they say its an oil used by geishas- its on
Vitamins are essential for proper hair growth. For healthy sebum in the scalp we require vitamin A. Graying and loss of hair is arrested with the intake of Vitamin B6 and B12. Keratin is produced by Biotin and hair follicles are kept healthy by inositol. Panthothenic acid and Para-amino benzoic acids are also beneficial. These vitamins are present in fruits such as lemon, pineapple and strawberry and in vegetables such as potato.
It really works , I grew my hair 3 in a lless than a MONTH !!! and some parts of my hair haven’t gown that long in my whole life ( I’m 12 years old .) The oil is completely natural. I have seen less hair in my comb after using it and my hair is no longer damaged. it’s shinny and full of luster.