How to slow, reverse or stop hair loss – without drugs!

Free advice on how you can slow or stop your hair loss, from someone who knows how damaging it can be to one’s self esteem… Watch the video! Pay attention to the inversion exercises. The neck exercises on their own WON’T work. Neck exercises here; Your obligation: Comment and let me know how you get on. Good luck!

This video will teach you how you can prevent hair loss through proper hair care routine.
@MIRAjustMIRA Do you mean dry dates?…..the one’s that are really sweet?
@MIRAjustMIRA dates stop hairloss? you sure your not taking other things like minoxidil, sawpalmetto, lysine, msm?
Most hair loss experiences are caused due to deficiency of iron and multivitamins. I’m not saying you should get on medication, Because natural INTERNAL sources work best. I tried medicine,i tried the massaging shit and it didn’t work. Surprisingly DATE fruits helped a lot O.e i had like 10 dates,5 for breakfast and 5 after dinner or before going to bed and my hair stopped falling off in less than a week. 😀
I have bought Stop Your Hair Loss, you can read my review here – clickbankreviewdude(dot)com/stop-your-hair-loss-review
propecia is dangerous
This site actually shows you how to do the exercises and much more too.
How long before you saw some results?
I am using Revita and Minoxidyl serum, but will add this to the regime and will le you know, in time, if I feel it has contributed to any progress I see
Hi, thanks for your reply.
Were the scalp exercises a part of your regimen or was it something you added after you had seen success?
Also, do you still continue with the scalp exercises? I assume it’s been several years since you started them.
I’m going to your method only for 3-4 months and I will report back if I see success. If not, I’ll try adding the scalp exercises.
Thanks for sharing 🙂
I want to get some anecdotal evidence that my experience with these techniques is neither fluke nor accident!
Good luck! Keep in touch.
I’ve never used medicines. I did start using the scalp exercises at hairloss-reversible(.)com/my_a pproach.htm. They seem to help too.
I think you’re right – scalp tension (associated with the effects of gravity on blood supply) does seem to be a big factor.
I started seeing changes in the rate of loss, and regrowth within about 3 months. As I said in the vid – I won’t win prizes for my hair, but most of my head is still covered! That’s why I’m trying to gather feedback here…
Hey thanks for sharing this!
I have a few questions:
1. How long did it take you to see substantial results? And just how much improvement did you see?
2. Did you do anything else? (medicine, scalp exercises, etc)
Thanks in advance! I will start doing these scalp exercises and let you know what happens 🙂
PS. when I did the neck exercises, my whole scalp seemed to feel relaxed. Maybe a relaxed scalp is key?
Well, thank you! You’re the first person who actually wrote to tell me! :o)
Hi! Sorry for the delay, I never access this account any more. :oP
This method is not a quick fix. You’ll feel the difference (in terms of the condition of your scalp) within a couple of weeks, but actually stopping your hair falling (and then regrowing some) may take 6 months or more. This should become something you do as a matter of course, like brushing your teeth.
Remember – be careful!!! Try the scalp exercises as well as the neck exercises! Good luck
Hi, zexycutiepie411 can you tell us how long after you tried this methos did you see any results? please answer. or somebody else who tried this method and had any results
thank you sooo much it accually worked!!!
does this work?
Amazing! A new way to renew hair growth! look here: (Copy to your browsers address bar)
This is a good call – thanks. He is actually asking for money, but there’s some great information there.
It’s basically the same message (blood flow), but with exercises. Looks like he gets even better results than me too!!!
Thanks very much for the recommendation.
hey check out tom hagerty’s scalp exercises. google it. i havn’t tried it but it doesn’t look like a scam to me. he isn’t asking for money, he just looks like a guy trying to help.
Oh, ok. thanks for clearing it up. I already tried lying upside down from the edge of my bed along with a few neck exercises.
No. The neck exercises on their own won’t work. Watch the video. The trick is also increasing the blood flow. Lying on a bed with your head over the edge twice a day for 5 minutes at a time should be enough (if you also do the neck exercises!)
so, do i have to do all the neck exercises in the link or pick one and do it 3x a day? i really want to try this because i noticed my hair was falling out since i was 14.
It’s not just the neck exercises – those improve blood flow to the scalp. Try the upside down exercises too. Just need to slightly increase blood flow to the scalp. But, yes, you can stop your hairline receding and promote new growth of hair by following the exercises in this vid. Good luck, and let me know how you get on!
can these neck muscle technigues actually stop my hairline from receding backwards?
no happy ending?
@Miguels07 what’s that??
@jest544 FUCK MERCK…
I used this drug for 6-months back in 2000 and suffered PERMANENT SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION!!!
This nightmare has occured to many other men! Some of whom have since committed SUICIDE as a result!
Don’t believe Merck’s claim that the side-effects are rare and temporary. They are neither. The side-effects are common, severe and many times PERMANENT!
If you have hairloss, just shave your head or live with it!
?????????? why so many hate comments
they didn’t even prescribe any drugs. all they did was teach you how to massage scalp…
fucking spammers.. lame
if you have still hair ! and you are losing it ! i have the best way for you stop it ! but you have to continue a step every other day ! its not expensive yet its verryyy helpful . i will charge a very reasonable amount ! and i will tell whomever wants this information.
The following videos are complete FRAUDS:
“Results With Hair Regrowth using Propecia”… by justjoe9074
“Propecia: after 14 months of usage”… latinlotus
“1 year on Propecia”… by AlexBigBen
You can tell they’re FAKE because they “screen & block” comments made by the public. All the comments under these videos are from Merck employees!
@concerned11 do you know if rogaine is safe?
sorry i dont understand DINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@paulinbin360 *coughs* Stupid America has to keep on borrowing from the “stupid” Chinese. They have close to a trillion dollars worth of our bonds.
never trust asian stuff =)
ya good video but check my videos too
i do think that scalp massaging helps. it stimulates blood circulation and the hair follicles only benefit of the increased blood flow.
stupid chinese
@concerned11 thank u for the info mate !
Yeh i heard propecia is a killer of sperm, damn!!
get rid of stress,eat all types of food ie increase the amount of food u eat and massage amala oil into ur hair trust me it wrks all asians use it
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rubbish…i use propecia and havent had any side effects…98% of people dont get side effects jack ass
I’ve used Finasteride and I had okay results with it and no side effects. Its my sleep habits and lack of sleep which fucked up my hair.
Oh wow that’s it?? A bunch of same old bullshit that’s already been repeated many times.
blood flow and baldness have correlation but very minimal watch my video, micro capillary perfusion or blood supply cannot stop genetic hormonal diseases such as male pattern baldness, this can be reversed natuarlly though and this sint some bullshit provillus thing please watch my video and spread the word
How to apply alcohol on head ?
Her fingers are very strong. Beware of her grabs.