Posts tagged "stop"

Nice Stop Hair Loss photos

Some cool stop hair loss images:

Secret 4
stop hair loss
Image by â’¼raham
My father was pretty much bald by his late-twenties and my younger brother didn’t fair much better and lost most of his hair by his mid-thirties.
I’ve always hated the shape of my head, particularly from the side; if you feel my head under the hair it is a strange shape and large – being bald is not an option.
Even though I really like men with bald/shaved heads, I cannot be that way so at the beginning of 2000 I started taking Propecia since my hair-loss was accelerating. Within two months it had stopped falling out and and remained the same since. For many men they get re-growth but that’s typically for those who have the hair-loss type that starts at the crown; mine is receding.
A little Photoshop shows what I’d look like from the front at least.

Two on the roof
stop hair loss
Image by tiny_packages
For all that he’s mangey, he seems quite healthy and well-fed. Scratches constantly still, which is a shame because I thought the cold might ease the mange. Instead it came back fast after we stopped their medication.

Don’t stop believin’…
stop hair loss
Image by This Year’s Love
I had tears in my eyes when I walked out to my car tonight.
i worked for 13 hours instead of 10.
The porter was all mine. The other one didn’t show up. It was a big mess involving me calling his house. I thought he was mad about that, but when he showed up a minute later he lives right behind the store) he was more frustrated that people thought he was late, but he had worked it out with the other porter that he would come in later and the other one would come in at 8. But then the other one was too hungover? who knows? to even call and let anyone know he was going to flake out. So everyone was freaking out because there were no porters until nearly noon! I didn’t know what mood to expect, but it was a good one. Too good.

He would come up and talk with me. Start up conversation. He would throw smiles at me and just laugh. One time we were talking about something and laughing and then he started to fidget and he said, "I’m going to go mess with Tom." And he walked away. I glanced down and realized my boobs were all but hanging out. Maybe? Who knows.

"Tom is just in a very interesting mood today. I don’t like it," I told him when he walked in and leaned on the counter to talk to me.
"Like the kind of mood you’re ALWAYS in??" he exclaimed, covering his mouth with a dramatic hand and widening his eyes. "Whoops, oh shit, did I say that?"
I gasped and said, "I am always in a good mood!"
"You know what a slip and slide does to a tube top?" he snapped at me, throwing me completely off as he wagged a finger in my face, "it turns it into a belt!" and he escaped into service, leaving me sitting there with my mouth hanging open in total disbelief. I still can’t make sense of it.

It was early in the day when he was going into service but stopped, turned around and looked at me with a self-satisfied smile.
"Is my hair frizzy?" he asked.
"Um, no?"
"Well, I just took a convertible Solstice for a spin and my head goes over the windshield."
I burst out laughing. He doesn’t fit in the Solstice…
"It just doesn’t fit," I exclaimed, glancing at the one we have in the showroom.
"No, I would totally own the car if I lived in Florida and always had the top down. With the top up I’m like this," and he scrunched up his shoulders to his ears, his hand mimicking the position of the steering wheel, head ducking down. I just grinned. "I feel like James Bond with the top down and the wind in my face!" God he is a sweet boy…

A customer wished me a happy holiday and I said yeah, you too, "I’ll be working…" I muttered as she turned. Steve was there and chuckled.
"What?" I asked.
"I heard that!"
"Well it’s true!"
"You’re working Monday?"
"Yeah…because I don’t have a kid," I called as I got him the key he needed.
"Thank GOD!" he exclaimed.
I gave him a look.
"I would rather have a full time job than a kid! I mean, ugh!" I shrugged.
"Well, I just have dogs that will bother me until I feed them when I get home….they’re like babies."
"But they shit outside. You don’t have to wipe them!"
"I get to clean up puke though." And then I said that Israel broke off his canine tooth.
"Shit, how’d he do that?"
I told him and he was like "It’ll grow back."
I just stared at him. "No, it won’t!"
"Dude, if you pulled that teeth out it’ll grow back." I looked at him and he went, "I mean…if you pulled that TOOTH out…"
I just giggled. "He’s not like a starfish!"
"Fucking what?!"
"A starfish–"
"I’m telling you, it’ll grow back."
"Or not!" We stopped arguing and I said Israel snapped off his dew claw too.
"That sucks."
"Yeah…we were both covered in blood and I barely had time to get to work!"

He was just too cute all day.

James came up and he’s the worst for teasing us.
"Did your boyfriend notice your cute new hair?"
"No! He doesn’t want me, shut up James!"
"I saw what he has…you’re a lot better looking. Seriously."
"What? you saw his girlfriend? Liar!"
"UGH!!!" he gagged, shaking his head.
"Ugh, for real, you are much better!"
"Shut up!" and then he walked off and I chased after him.
He wouldn’t tell me more, but he kept making that gagging noise when he spoke about her. It warmed the cockles of my heart.
"Well, his loss," I said smugly. "I’m too good looking for him."
"You hit the nail on the head! I’m telling you, he’s intimidated by you. And it’s a case of becoming comfortable with what you have…you just keep trying. He likes you."
And James has no ulterior motive to say these things. He even was talking to the porter in back and I wondered what about–most likely me.
"It better not be about me!" I threatened when he showed up.
He grinned. "You’re my girl, you know I’m gonna put in a good word for you!"

Anna had a dream about the porter and me. "I can’t tell you–you’ll do bad things!" she told me. No, I won’t, I promised. Oh but give me time…

I don’t even want to know her name. I can’t stand the thought.

At the end of the night he got swamped with car deliveries. I went back there and told him to not forget the Avalanche he had to move.
"I won’t."
"You leavin’?"
"Yep. You have a good weekend," I told him. "Have a good Memorial Day!"
"You too."
"Do you have any plans?"
"No, just going to a buddy’s cottage."
"Sounds fun."
"I’ll see you Monday, right?"
"Aren’t you working?"
"Me too."
"Oh…lucky us!" I said with forced sarcasm. I *am* lucky. 1) he has Mondays off, 2) it’s a holiday. I try so hard to distance myself! But I said goodnight and left and as I walked to the door to the parking lot I felt tears sting my eyes and my lips trembled with wanting him.

It’s a Journey kind of night.

"Don’t Stop Believin’."

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Posted by Helen Wilson - December 16, 2010 at 8:01 pm

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