Posts tagged "stop"

Stop Hair Loss Part 1

Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans! Eat a low fat diet! Eat lots of antioxidants to help prevent your Cholesterol from oxidizing and causing plaque in your arteries and thus promoting poor circulation of blood in your body! If your circulation is poor then the blood can’t reach to all the 100 trillion cells of the body as well and thus your hair wont receive nourishment! A diet low in fat is helpful in preventing Di hydro testosterone! Di hydro testosterone is a major player in hair loss because it suffocates the hair follicles causing the hair to grow small and thinner until eventually it leaves you bald! Take beta sitosterol and saw palmetto! These are very good at preventing testosterone from converting to DI hydro testosterone. Many natural hair loss products contain both these products! There has been studies done showing that hair loss improves very well when both these products are taken together! Also take super antioxidants like astaxanthin and zeaxanthin! This is a very powerful antioxidant and will not only keep the hair on your head, but it will also improve your eyes! My mom and I have both improved our vision by taking astaxanthin!

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Posted by Helen Wilson - July 5, 2010 at 12:40 am

Categories: Stop Hair Loss   Tags: , , ,

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