Ways to Stop Hair Loss
Hair loss can be caused by a number of factors. When you want to stop hair loss, the cause of the hair loss needs to be ascertained.
Hair loss can happen 3-4 months after extensive surgery. This is temporary and will soon go away as the stress of surgery is over.
Hormonal imbalance can trigger off hair loss. A hyperactive thyroid gland or an under active thyroid gland can also trigger the hair loss.
Losing hair after pregnancy is quite common. During pregnancy, higher hormone levels in the body prevent hair loss. After pregnancy, the body returns to the normal levels of hormone in the body and the normal cycle of hair growth and hair loss is repeated.
Certain fungal infections or even diseases such as diabetes can cause the hair to fall out. Knowing the correct reason of hair loss can help doctors to stop hair loss.
The doctor can certainly help you to stop hair loss. They will ask you questions regarding your medical conditions and whether you have been recently exposed to stress, certain pollution factors, sudden illnesses etc. depending on the medical history and the analysis of the blood samples taken, they will be able to prescribe the correct medication for the hair loss problem.
Depending on the type of problem, various treatments are easily available.
If certain medication has caused the problem, then they may be able to change the medicine to prevent further hair loss.
If there is a hormonal imbalance, then they can prescribe some medication that will correct the hormonal imbalance and stop hair loss.
Certain topical medication such as minoxidil may also be used. This medication is available without a prescription. It should be applied to the scalp to prevent hair loss.
Finasteride is also available for application. But it can be only used by men and needs a prescription as well. It would take 6 months before the effects of the medicines can be seen.
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Article from articlesbase.com
Categories: Stop Hair Loss Tags: hair., loss, stop, ways